Displaying and ordering category taxonomy.


Original code, for reference:

foreach($cats as $cat) { $cid[]=$cat->cat_ID; }
$cid=implode(',', $cid);
foreach((get_categories('orderby=name&include='.$cid)) as $category) { // notice orderby
	echo '<a href="'.get_category_link($category->cat_ID).'">'.$category->cat_name.'</a> '; // keep a space after </a> as seperator 

Add this to functions:

function the_breadcrumb() {
	global $post;
	echo '<ul id="breadcrumbs">';

	foreach($cats as $cat) { $cid[]=$cat->cat_ID; }
	$cid=implode(',', $cid);
	foreach((get_categories('orderby=id&include='.$cid)) as $category) {
		echo '<li><a href="'.get_category_link($category->cat_ID).'">'.$category->cat_name.'</a></li>';
		echo '<li class="separator"> &lt; </li>';
	echo '<li>';
	echo '</li>';
	echo '</ul>';

And call from within the theme:


And for displaying breadcrumbs for parent categories: reference

function dimox_breadcrumbs() {

	/* === OPTIONS === */
	$text['home']     = 'Home'; // text for the 'Home' link
	$text['category'] = 'Archive by Category "%s"'; // text for a category page
	$text['search']   = 'Search Results for "%s" Query'; // text for a search results page
	$text['tag']      = 'Posts Tagged "%s"'; // text for a tag page
	$text['author']   = 'Articles Posted by %s'; // text for an author page
	$text['404']      = 'Error 404'; // text for the 404 page

	$show_current   = 1; // 1 - show current post/page/category title in breadcrumbs, 0 - don't show
	$show_on_home   = 0; // 1 - show breadcrumbs on the homepage, 0 - don't show
	$show_home_link = 1; // 1 - show the 'Home' link, 0 - don't show
	$show_title     = 1; // 1 - show the title for the links, 0 - don't show
	$delimiter      = ' » '; // delimiter between crumbs
	$before         = ''; // tag before the current crumb
	$after          = ''; // tag after the current crumb
	/* === END OF OPTIONS === */

	global $post;
	$home_link    = home_url('/');
	$link_before  = '';
	$link_after   = '';
	$link_attr    = ' rel="v:url" property="v:title"';
	$link         = $link_before . '<a' . $link_attr . ' href="%1$s">%2$s' . $link_after;
	$parent_id    = $parent_id_2 = $post->post_parent;
	$frontpage_id = get_option('page_on_front');

	if (is_home() || is_front_page()) {

		if ($show_on_home == 1) echo '

	} else {

		echo '

Breadcrumbs by Dimox:

function dimox_breadcrumbs() {

	/* === OPTIONS === */
	$text['home']     = 'Home'; // text for the 'Home' link
	$text['category'] = 'Archive by Category "%s"'; // text for a category page
	$text['search']   = 'Search Results for "%s" Query'; // text for a search results page
	$text['tag']      = 'Posts Tagged "%s"'; // text for a tag page
	$text['author']   = 'Articles Posted by %s'; // text for an author page
	$text['404']      = 'Error 404'; // text for the 404 page

	$show_current   = 1; // 1 - show current post/page/category title in breadcrumbs, 0 - don't show
	$show_on_home   = 0; // 1 - show breadcrumbs on the homepage, 0 - don't show
	$show_home_link = 1; // 1 - show the 'Home' link, 0 - don't show
	$show_title     = 1; // 1 - show the title for the links, 0 - don't show
	$delimiter      = ' » '; // delimiter between crumbs
	$before         = ''; // tag before the current crumb
	$after          = ''; // tag after the current crumb
	/* === END OF OPTIONS === */

	global $post;
	$home_link    = home_url('/');
	$link_before  = '';
	$link_after   = '';
	$link_attr    = ' rel="v:url" property="v:title"';
	$link         = $link_before . '%2$s' . $link_after;
	$parent_id    = $parent_id_2 = $post->post_parent;
	$frontpage_id = get_option('page_on_front');

	if (is_home() || is_front_page()) {

		if ($show_on_home == 1) echo '';

	} else {

		echo '';

} // end dimox_breadcrumbs()

About Gary Hicks

Gary Hicks is a professional website and graphics designer with more than 14 years experience. Having worked in London, Mexico City and Tokyo, Japan Gary is now based in Bournemouth and Windsor where he concentrates on work and staying fit.

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